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The Process of Curriculum Development and Instruction and the Role of the Teacher.


Submitted By ndanggils
Words 2843
Pages 12
Teachers and administrators collaborate and develop an appropriate, articulated and aligned curriculum that ensures optimal student results. Assessment data from multiple sources are analyzed by teachers and administrators when making curricular and instructional decisions. In their planning, teachers purposefully select from a variety of teaching techniques and tools to help students improve, and they differentiate curriculum and instruction to address all students' learning needs.

Definition of term
1. Curriculum "a plan for a sustained process of teaching and learning" (David Pratt, 1997, p. 5)
2. Lesson: “a coherent unit of teaching and learning, generally designed to be completed in one class session
3. Lesson plan: “a plan for a coherent unit of teaching and learning, generally designed to be completed in one class session”.
4. Instruction “the execution of the curriculum, actually teaching it. Instruction doesn't always follow curriculum. It is often planned”.

Four steps to Curriculum: "The Tyler Rationale"
1. What educational purposes should the school seek to attaint?
2. What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes?
3. How can they be organized?
4. How can we determine whether these purposes are being attained?

1. What educational purposes should the school seek to attain?
What Aims, Goals, and Objectives should be sought?
To WIT (2000), Educational objectives become the criteria for selecting materials, content outlined, instructional methods developed, and tests prepared.
How to write objectives
Objectives often incorrectly stated as activities the instructor must do, rather than statements of change for students.
Objectives are also listed as topics, concepts, or generalizations; however, this approach does not specify what the

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